Communication Network - Nº22 - page 62

The subway is a solution to daily traffic pro-
blems: of 7.4 million daily commutes, only
2% use public transport.
Experience in Saudi Arabia
FCC has been operating since 2011 in Sau-
di Arabia, where FCC Aqualia optimised
Riyadh’s water supply network (6,000 kilo-
metres long). This project has created 160
jobs and will improve the services provided
to more than 3 million people.
This was the first water management con-
tract awarded to a Spanish company in the
Middle East. A few months later, FCC Aqua-
lia was awarded another contract, this time
to operate and maintain the sewers and
sewage treatment system in eastern Abu
FCC also has offices in Qatar, where it is cu-
rrently building two pedestrian walkways as
well as phase II development of the Barzan
camp residential area in Al Wajba, 15 kilo-
metres from the capital city. It has also built
other landmark projects in the zone, such as
the Dubai Cricket Stadium.
on the project, scheduled
to begin before the end of
the second quarter of this
year, will create more than
15,000 jobs
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