Communication Network - Nº22 - page 72

What is a smart meter?
The volume of more than 1,350 litres/hour
was less frequent and it was practically ne-
ver the case.
As to the hours of consumption, 50% of
demand was between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00p
p.m. and more than 35% between 4:00
p.m. and midnight. Demand between mid-
night and 4:00 a.m. was only 5%.
Another important conclusion was that the
total time that homes actually use water
throughout the day was about three and a
half hours per day.
In short, thanks to this very practical pilot
plan, it was possible to obtain the different
volumes consumed by households in the
Principality of Asturias. This enabled us to
learn about the average household’s wa-
ter consumption and to improve manage-
ment of end-to-end water demand. It also
made it possible to optimise the criteria for
the replacement of meters, both techni-
cally and in terms of financial profitability,
allowing us make the control of water con-
sumption more efficient. This is all done to
encourage the sustainable development
The consumption
of water at homes
throughout the day
is three and
a half hours
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