Communication Network - Nº22 - page 76

ral convents, city walls, and other historical
buildings and constructions that bring us
back to the past.
La Marina Empuriabrava is considered
the largest residential marina in Europe,
with homes and more than 23 km of na-
vigable canals. It has more than 5000 fi-
xed moorings of which 700 are for visitors
with vessels measuring up to 26 metres in
The population in winter is 8000 and during
the summer months, it increases to 70,000
The Control Tower, at the mouth of the har-
bour and a height of more than 47 metres,
is one of the landmarks of Empuria Brava. It
also has a small airfield where paratroopers
from all over the world come together.
Construction at Empuriabrava began in the
mid-60s with an original urban structure ba-
sed on its navigable canals that cross most
of the city and connect with each other.
The best way to get an idea about the ca-
nals is from the water. Most of the homes
can be reached either by land or by sea,
since many have moorings in their gardens
and can rapidly go out to the sea.
The sports, gastronomic and cultural offe-
ring is very important in this area, making it
a great tourist attraction.
than 23 kilometres
of navigable
Parque Natural del Aiguamolls de l’Empordà
is one of the most important wetland in the
Iberian Peninsula. It is made of freshwater
pools and ponds and is the home of many
birds, many of them autochthonous, and
flora characteristic of this region.
Its three beaches which spread over nearly
seven kilometres, and where one can enjoy
the sun and the sea, is another of the at-
tractions of Empuriabrava.
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