Communication Network - Nº22 - page 66

Our speakers at the congress
Representatives of the Group’s three business areas participated in various sessions and presentations on behalf of FCC:
FCC’s speaker:
Antonio Alfonso Avelló, deputy manager of the
International division of FCC Medio Ambiente.
What are the
most urgent challenges that cities must tackle in the 21st Century?
What is the key priority in the political agendas for sustainable ur-
ban settlements? Technology provides new tools for helping cities
to become more sustainable, inclusive, innovative, and economically
FCC’s speaker:
Emilio Fernández Rodríguez de Liévana, direc-
tor of FCC Aqualia’s office in Santander.
How do companies and
public administrations collaborate to provide new and more efficient
Plenary session:
Parallel session:
Jordi Payet, managing director of FCC
Medio Ambiente, accompanied by
members of his team welcomed Víctor
Calvo-Sotelo, secretary of State of
Telecommunications and for the
Information Society, at the stand, as
well as Iñigo de la Serna, the mayor of
the city of Santander, chairman of Red
Española de Ciudades
Inteligentes (Spanish Network of Smart
Cities, RECI, Spanish acronym) and the
Spanish Federation of Municipalities
and Provinces (FEMP).
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