Communication Network - Nº22 - page 65

h e p l a c e
Over 3,000 professionals from several world-
wide institutions received information on
FCC thanks to the speeches, B2B meetings
with national and international delegations,
innovation companies, and through other
initiatives. More than 300 people participa-
ted in our activity program, including clients,
authorities, companies and delegations. The
involvement of professionals from various
FCC Group business units ensured the suc-
cess of this edition of the Smart City Expo.
About 400 cities, 160 companies, 29 inter-
national delegations, and 9,000 registered
visitors, 3,000 of them participants, atten-
ded this Congress.
Other activities were also conducted by the
various business units which were of great
The presentation of the Can Buxeres
project in L´Hospitalet by Luís Fa-
tás García, head of the Cleaning and
Green Areas Department of the City
Council of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
A presentation on the ELAN Project,
Sustainable Waste Water treatment,
by Pilar Icaran López, the manager
of the project who works at FCC
Aqualia’s R+D department.
A presentation on the Intelligent Plat-
form for Service Management deve-
loped Miquel Pérez, from FCC Medio
Ambiente’s Systems and Information
Technologies Department.
The presentation of the Enercity 2020
and ECOE projects by Teresa Ugar-
te, head of FCC Energía in Cataluña,
the representatives of IREC (Institut
de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya)
and the representative of CETEMMSA
Centro Tecnológico.
Presentation of the book: “La Inge-
niería y la Gestión del Agua a través
de los Tiempos” (Engineering and
Water Management over Time), with
the presence of Félix Parra, managing
director of FCC Aqualia, Jordi Agustí,
director of Agencia Catalana del Agua
(Catalan Water Agency, ACA Spanish
acronym), and Enrique Cabrera, di-
rector of ITA, professor at Universitat
Politècnica de València (UPV) and the
book’s coordinator.
The FCC Aqualia team attended the presentation of the book “La Ingeniería y la Gestión del Agua a través de los Tiempos”.
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