What to do in case of an
At the ONE intranet site, you can find all the
information and necessary instructions for
taking joint and efficient action in the event
of an emergency in the corporate building
Click on the Safety and Health (Seguridad
y Salud) tab of each of the corporate
Las Tablas
Federico Salmón
And check the basic information on
Prevention of Occupational hazards at the
corresponding work site:
Instructions for what to do in the event
of an emergency.
Evacuation plans.
List and telephone numbers of the
emergency teams.
Floor plan of the medical centre and
Prevention regulations based on the
Risk Assessment of the site.
All of which is kept up to date according to
the most recent revision.
“Acércate a la discapacidad”,
the title of the seminar held in Avila to
create awareness in the corporate world
The Council of Youth of Castile and
León, the National Aspaym Federation
(association of people with spine injury
and other physical disabilities) and the
Youth Red Cross organised a seminar at
the Confae headquarters in Avila to create
awareness in the corporate world on the
difficulties encountered by young people
with disabilities to access the job market.
A round table discussion, “Incorporation in
the job market in the first person. Success
cases” was one of the activities developed
during the seminar. Juan Carlos Sáez de
Rus, the director of Occupational Safety,
Health and Welfare at FCC participated
in this round table to give visibility to the
work being carried out by the Company,
jointly with other entities who were also
able to describe the progress made and
experience in having people with disabilities
join the job market.
representatives at the seminar had the
opportunity of participating in the practical
mobility workshop entitled “Put yourself inmy
shoes” where they were able to experience
the different situations and barriers faced by
people with disabilities in their day-to-day
lives, particularly when looking for a job.
During the Seminar, Aspaym also described
the labour integration programs with which
it works and the benefits that companies
can obtain. Avila’s City Council confirmed
that it is currently in the administrative
process to assign a municipal plot of land
to this association where they can build
a new centre which will be situated in
Sonsoles Road.