DGT (Traffic Department)
unveils its guide for caring
for people
with disabilities,
emergencies and accidents
Dirección General de Tráfico (the Spanish
Traffic Department, DGT), published a guide
for caring for people with disabilities in the
event of emergencies and accidents in order
to provide comprehensive idea of the most
common characteristics and aspects in
relation with people with disabilities and on
how to collaborate and help in the event
of an emergency (traffic accident, fire,
confinement, etc.).
The response of those who first come to
the rescue in an emergency will be more
rigorous, safer and efficient if one is aware of
the difficulties of people with disabilities and
how to address them.
Read PDF
The guide increases the visibility of
people with disabilities by describing the
characteristics and needs depending on
each case and providing information on
the basic, simple, and necessary guidelines
for helping an individual in the event of an
emergency. It includes specific information
on physical disabilities and cerebral palsy;
mental disability, autism or autism-spectrum
disorders, visual and hearing impairment,
and disability due to mental illness,
describing the considerations in each case
and in an emergency situation.
Information that can be downloaded
and printed and audios prepared as an
alternative support are attached. These are
also available in FCC’s ONE intranet, with
information for an event of emergency at the
work sites.
Listen to the audios
Enfermedades Mentales
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