Indicators for
occupational road safety
In view of the road accident rates while on
the job and the fact that traffic accidents
account for more than 30% deaths caused
by accidents at work, the Dirección General
de Tráfico (Traffic Department, DGT
Spanish acronym), commissioned FESVIAL
to conduct a study on the classification
and types of road safety measures in the
corporate world and to prepare a set of
indicators of the results to be able to assess
the effectiveness of these measures.
Companies such as FCC who implement
measures to prevent traffic accidents
participated in this Commission which
generated indicators to measure the
efficacy and the results over the long
term so as to be able to select the best
road safety measures based on their
effectiveness, time, etc., and isolate those
that did not produce good results.
The tasks undertaken by the DISEV
Commission were:
Defining good practices.
Standardising the terminology applied to
the occupational road accident rate.
Defining, establishing, and classifying the
Results of the DISEV Commission
FCC, through its Occupational Safety and Health
Department, the Prevention Department of the FCC
Medio Ambiente, and the prevention technician
from FCC Medio Ambiente’s Levante II Branch Office,
David Martínez Sánchez, were part of the DISEV
Commission. The commission, a working group
sponsored by the Traffic Department and organised
by the Spanish Foundation for Road Safety (FESVIAL,
Spanish acronym) , counted with the participation
of the leading Spanish companies and institutions
to address the issue of occupational road safety
management indicators.