The efficiency of good team work
Annual Safety and Health Meeting at FCC Aqualia
FCC Aqualia celebrated the annual meeting
with the occupational hazard prevention
team, which has evolved into a team work
and coordination meeting. During the day’s
activity, the most relevant topics were
discussed for the positive development
of preventive management in the
division, sharing the considerations of the
technicians when carrying out their duties.
This meeting was held in the new
organizational context of the department
which now depends on FCC Aqualia’s
Corporate Human Resources Department
and has been restructured internally into
four production and three support areas.
Each production area has a coordinator
who is the team leader and responsible for
monitoring the programmed actions and the
implementation of the guidelines defined by
Management. The support areas will be
in charge of providing ongoing support to
the production area, developing in-house
processes, implementing campaigns,
and enhance technical qualifications by
encouraging the sharing of knowledge.
According to the assessment of the
technical actions carried out compared to
those that were programmed in the previous
year, 94% were completed, or 87% if we
weigh the time spent in performing the
tasks broken down according to specific
activities such as risk assessment,
emergency measures, safety plans, training
seminars, monitoring visits, and support
provided to other management units, etc.
Integra OHP Program
The gradual implementation of the INTEGRA
OHP program was also discussed in the
meeting. INTEGRA OHP is a tool acquired
for the comprehensive management of
occupational hazard prevention measures.
Work is being carried out to expand and
improve its possibilities. The meeting was
also the perfect venue for user technicians
to submit their proposals for the program
and define criteria, actions, modules etc. to
improve the tool.
For Bernardo Delgado, in charge of
processes at FCC Aqualia’s Safety and
Health Department, “these periodical
meetings represent a perfect opportunity
to grow as a department, consider different
points of view, and incorporate ideas
for constant improvement. Teamwork is
essential for consolidating the project and
for the success in achieving any objective,
even more so when we refer to such a
positive goal as the ongoing improvement
of work conditions and, therefore, of the
welfare and health of workers”.
“Safety tours”
The initiative known as “safety tours”
to be conducted by department
managers for the purpose of getting a
first-hand look at the work conditions
in terms of occupational safety and
health is part of the action plan of
the project aimed at improving the
Company’s preventive culture. This
tool was analysed during the workshop
in order to implement it in the very near
future in the company after holding a
series of training sessions at different