FCC Industrial
Fundación Adecco’s Family Plan
FCC Industrial jointlywith FundaciónAdecco
is developing the Family Plan whereby the
Company undertakes the commitment of
helping children with disabilities to improve
their quality of life and promote their current
or future integration in the job market.
FCC Industrial’s workers with children with
a certified disability, greater or equal to
33%, can join the plan that will study their
capabilities and needs thereby promoting
and improving their personal, social, and
labour development.
The Family Plan focuses on five areas:
clinical-medical, family, social, educational,
and labour:
Clinical-medical: the objective is
to improve the quality of life of the
disabled by promoting their integration
in the job market.
Family: the aim is to help families
handle the disability in the best way
Social: the goal is to encourage the
participation in activities that enable
normal social integration.
Educational: improves the chances of
finding a job by developing training
Labour: pathways to employment
combining training, information,
preparation, and labour intermediation
With this action, FCC Industrial renews
its commitment to the integration of the
disadvantaged by facilitating their social
and labour integration.