FCC Construcción
The program, presented by Luis Carlos
Rodríguez, head of FCC Construcción’s
Prevention Department, was broken down
into three sections:
in the Ideas Program
of the School of Civil Engineering
of Santander
The Joint Prevention Department of FCC
Construcción participated in the 2016
edition of the Ideas Program organised
by the School of Civil Engineering of
Santander. The FCC Group construction
company participated in this program which
is part of the fourth –year course of the Civil
Engineering Degree program coordinated
by Francisco Ballester, professor of
Construction Engineering.
Luis Carlos Rodríguez, head of FCC
Construcción’s Prevention Department,
was in charge of the course on “Prevention
of Occupational Hazards”. Luis Carlos
explained that “collaboration in this
seminar, with several previous editions in
the past, is always an enriching experience,
clearly for the speakers, and we trust that
also for the students. We can notice that
the new generations are concerned about
an issue as important as the safety and
health of workers. The exposition this year
has been particularly participative, with
many questions and answers on the purely
legal matters and the technical aspects of
The first one involved the main regulatory aspects contemplated in Act 31/1995
on the Prevention of Occupational Hazards, Spanish Royal Decree 39/1997,
the Regulations of the Prevention Departments, and Spanish Royal Decree
1627/1997 on the minimal Safety and Health provisions in construction works.
The second section consisted of a detailed description of the risks and preventive
measures in the first phases of a project, from its inception (fencing, access,
personnel facilities) to the movement of the earth, foundations, structures,
plumbing, machinery, electrical hazards, etc.
Lastly, the main lines of the FCC Construcción Prevention Management System
was explained as well as the main measures in some of FCC’s landmark
international projects, such as Puerto Açu in Brazil, the Control Tower in El
Dorado Airport in Bogota (Colombia).
Knowledge and experience
in Prevention of
Occupational Hazards
Luis Carlos also shared with the students
the various initiatives, campaigns and good
practices of FCC in very diverse fields of
prevention, such as the health campaigns
on good eating habits, promotion of
physical exercise, support provided to quit
smoking, actions aimed at improving Road
Safety education, and the FCC Safety and
Health Awards.
At FCC Construcción, in recent years,
good practices have been established as
part of the prevention objectives, nationally
and internationally. Periodically, the various
organizations of the division present the
initiatives that they have implemented
in their areas in aspects related to
prevention management such as active
safety measures at work sites (methods,
resources, procedures, etc.).
The group of students who attended the
courses included several from various Latin
American countries such as Colombia, Chile
and Brazil who were aware of the projects
that FCC Construcción is executing in
these countries.