Greater presence
of women
in managrial positions
and in the Board
of Directors
FCC and the main companies of the Group
(FCC Construcción, FCC Aqualia and FCC,
S.A.) have signed an agreement with the
Ministry of Health, Social Services and
Equality to move towards greater female
presence in its governing bodies and on its
Board of Directions.
This commitment with the Ministry was
formalised earlier today in a meeting held
at the Club Financiero Génova in Madrid.
The meeting was chaired by the Minister of
Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana
Mato, and attended the HR managers of
the business areas that signed up to the
agreement: Luis Suárez (FCC Medio Am-
biente), Carmen Rodríguez (FCC Aqualia)
and María Sánchez (as the representative
of both FCC Construcción and FCC, S.A.).
Under this agreement, FCC Construcción,
FCC Aqualia and FCC, S.A. committed to
increasing the number of women in ma-
nagerial positions and on managing com-
mittees over the next few years, in order to
work towards a better balance of men and
women in senior positions within the com-
On its part, FCC as the Group’s parent com-
pany, will encourage a more balanced gen-
der mix on their Board of Directors over the
coming years. This agreement, signed by
Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, the Company’s
chairman, is backed by the Board of Direc-
tors and the Managing Committee.
By signing these agreements, these com-
panies have committed to a range of mea-
sures, including:
Actively promoting equality and en-
suring the merit and ability of women
is properly valued in internal training,
recruitment, and staff promotion pro-
Implementing organizational measu-
res and flexible working hours to faci-
litate a balance between professional,
personal and family life, encouraging
their use by both men and women.
Paying special attention to ensure a
more equal presence of men and wo-
men in all internal training, recruitment
and staff promotion processes,
without disregarding the principles of
merit and ability.
Moving towards more balanced par-
ticipation when a deputy-manager or
manager post becomes available or a
position on the Board of Directors is
up for renewal.