Inter v iew to
Enrique Parellada
Describe for me in three lines your im-
pressions on the seminar, the exchange
of ideas, and the support that you recei-
ved from your tutor and mentor?
Frankly, simple and easy. I did not have
any experience or previous contacts with
the business world and my tutor, Josep
Prat, was very solicitous and friendly from
the very beginning.
His experience and willingness to help me
were essential in having me put a name to
my ideas and to shape them, to learn how
to identify obstacles, differentiating them
one by one so that the mole hill did not be-
come a mountain. He did this always very
cordially and in a didactic manner which is
important for newcomers to the world of
What part of this training course did
you find most useful?
If we talk about the sessions and work-
shops, the commercial and loyalty-building
parts as well as financial planning. Perso-
nally, however, I believe it was the human
factor. There are many people who are
qualified and are able to explain marketing,
financial planning, or tax matters, but it’s
not that usual to find people who do this
with dedication and selflessly, such as my
tutor, mentors, and people at Prevent. This
dedication and commitment have shown
me the importance of contributing a hu-
man value to whatever you do, no matter
what facet of your life. This is very useful
anywhere and at any time.
Which aspects of the support of your
tutor and mentor do you value the
Their experience and closeness. The ex-
perience for knowing what I must tackle in
each development phase of the business
plan. Closeness and empathy, their ability
to know how to explain concepts that for
me were new and unknown in a straight-
forward and practical manner.
Enrique Parellada submitted business project for
Flypro, a company engaging in auditing
the processes and quality of companies
who want to improve the handling of airline
Enrique, with
classmates from
whom he has learned
a lot.