What is the source of your passion for
wanting to be an entrepreneur?
From the desire of self-improvement, of
setting new goals which, without any as-
surance of achieving them, require all your
dedication and effort. The fact of execu-
ting a project for which you answer di-
rectly, both for its success as well as for its
errors. And the importance knowing how
to surround yourself with a team that com-
plements you.
What part of this course has helped
you to make greater progress in achie-
ving your goals?
The sessions with my tutor and some of
my mentors. These sessions, because
they are personal, are more relaxed and,
at the same time, more effective in helping
you fix your targets and deadlines.
Would you say that this program was a
great opportunity for you?
Yes, it has been, at the professional and
human level. Professionally, it has opened
a new field for me where I can develop in
a broad horizon where my capabilities and
skills count. On the human level, although
it sounds like a cliché, I have learned a lot
from my colleagues, from the standpoint
of self-improvement after having lost her
eyesight at the age of 30, and continuing
to work and taking care of two children
(Olga). From the strength of optimism that
makes you capable of completing two
college degrees after becoming a quadri-
plegic (Alba), or the meaning of love, re-
nouncing yourself and your life to devote
yourself completely to a husband who was
diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral scle-
rosis (ALS) (Gina a Pau). Time will tell if it
was a good experience or not, but it has
certainly been a great school.
Will we see your project materialise
With a little bit of help and a lot of work,
Flypro will be a reality. And when it is, I will
not forget the support of my tutor, Josep
Prat, and great mentors such as Ana Vi-
Would you recommend this training
Certainly, either if you just recently started
a project or because you have an idea and
don’t know how to develop it. At times like
these, you don’t wait for an opportunity to
arise, you have to move. In this case, the
program has not only helped me to get
training, but also to find people willing to
help me.
From left to right: Montse Moré Serra, director of Fundación Prevent together Enrique Parellada and Carmen Donada, a consultant at the foundation for
integration in the workforce.
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