Inter v iew wi th
Ana Villacañas
and Josep Prat
The two of them were with Enrique Parelal-
da, a young and enthusiastic entrepreneur,
during the entire program. For both, the ex-
perience was one of personal satisfaction,
one that will remain with them and which
they will remember all their lives. This was
expressed by Ana Villacañas, managing
director of Organization at the FCC Group.
“Participating in a project such as this one
has been a real privilege. I will always have
Enrique in mind, because of his internal
strenght, to have seen how he grew in the
face of adversity, and for his enthusiasm”.
For Josep Prat, that personal satisfaction is
the result of seeing “the changes in attitude
that affected both his business as well as
his personal vision”.
Ana and Josep are both conviced that with
the knowledge that Enrique aquired, he will
be able to succeed in setting up his busi-
ness. Knowledge which, according to his
tutor “have shown him method, strategy,
and implementation”. These lessons are
valid for any initiative and, obviously, if he
persevers, he will be successful in this or in
any other project”.
“Enrique is one of those people who always
ants to learn more”, Ana Villacañas told us.
A mentor teaches the ability to perform cri-
tical analyses, a vision of the future to apply
to a strategy, and a work method. Most im-
portantly, however, a mentor stresses the
strengths and transforms weaknesses so
that one is able to achieve whatever one
proposes. A mentor accompanies the stu-
dent, provides advice and counselling on
the student’s approach. This is what the
tutor and mentor have done over all these
months. Sometimes mentors or tutors learn
as much as they teach: “I believe that we
learn more than they do since they teach us
everyday”, Ana Villacañas told us.
What are the benefits of being a men-
“Without any doubt”, Josep Prat said, “to
be a good mentor you have to be able to
translate into concrete terms everything you
Both Ana and Josep are convinced that the knowledge acquired
by Enrique eill enable him to start up his business successfully
In an interview with
Ana Villacañas, managing
director of Organization
of the FCC Group,
who participated in the
Classroom for
Entrepreneurs program as
a specialised mentor,
and with Josep Prat,
Financial Magager at SVI
Consultors and a tutor in
this program, we were
able to learn more
about this project and the
personal experience of
each of them from their
own perspective.