rious projects in Panama and Costa Rica.
The seminars for spreading news on this
new platform and its presentation reached
an approximate number of 150 users who
were able to share the features and dimen-
sions of this new platform in a personalised
“One addresses a latent internal require-
ment. It is a portal that allows us to connect
to corporate information used on a daily
basis while, at the same time, provides a
broader vision through a perspective that
enables us to learn about the company,
its activities, and those who are part of the
company worldwide” (Victoria Famiglietti,
head of Personnel Recruitment at FCC Cen-
tral America).
The classification, updating, and purging of
the database system, an essential part of
the implementation process, was performed
in record time, thanks to which the platform
was implemented successfully. This process
mainly involved the classification of workers
into two different categories information wor-
kers and deskeless, and the analysis of the
type of user in order to be able to develop
the correct and effective management of
each profile.
“One is a very user-friendly took that enables
us to learn what is going on in the companies
in any part of the world. It allows us to learn
about the internal changes implemented on
a daily basis and even to share with other
employees who hold positions similar to
ours”(Alina Hidalgo, Administrative-Financial
manager at FCC Construcción Costa Rica).
One is a reality in Central America and im-
plies a significant transformation in informa-
tion services and systems, facilitating the
company’s versatility through communica-
tion and wagering on a formula that suc-
cessfully combines global and local aspects.
FCC One, a space for you, for everybody.
B u s i n e s s