The 2014 edition of the National Environ-
ment Congress (CONAMA, Spanish acron-
ym) was held this year under the slogan
“Low Carbon Economy”. As part of the
ambitious plan, FCC Aqualia technicians
were invited to participate in two sessions
to analyse the relationship between water
and energy, and, also on water manage-
ment in times of crisis.
The session, coordinated by the magazi-
ne iAgua, analysed the theme “Water and
Energy”, a Key Binomial for Sustainable De-
velopment”. The presentation, dealing with
“Water and Energy in a mining Exploitation”
was made by Manuel González Esparteros,
head of Industrial Water at Aqualia Infras-
Aqualia’s representative offered a global vi-
sion o water treatment in the mining indus-
try. González described the experience of
Aqualia Infrastructures, emphasizing water
desalination for water supply and the ad-
vanced reverse osmosis treatment for trea-
ting industrial waste, techniques that make
it possible to obtain the best possible quali-
ty from effluents.
The other participants, besides Aqualia, in-
cluded the United Nations Office to Support
the International Decade for Action “Water
for Life” (UNO-IDfA), Canal de Isabel II,
AcuaMed, Feragua, Schneider Electric and
the Leitat Technology Centre.
Mariano Blanco, international manager of
Clients at FCC Aqualia participated in the
session on “Water Management in Times of
Crisis” in his capacity as the chairman of the
6th Commission of AEAS. In his speech, he
spoke on the need to reduce the more than
2000 operators in Spain in order to achieve
more efficient management.
FCC Aqualia participates
at the CONAMA sessions
In the first image, Manuel Gonzalez, first on the right, and in the second one, Mariano
Blanco, third on the right, during their respective presentations.
According to Blanco, “the various tariff
structures and regulations imply a disper-
sion of the quality of service provided and
of the sustainability and efficiency of each
of the operators”. FCC Aqualia’s represen-
tative also mentioned the Key Performan-
ce Indicators (KPIs) as the mechanism for
comparing services and the trend observed
in Spain on the reduction of investment in
infrastructures in comparison with other Eu-
ropean countries.
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