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gave a speech on the Malaga Metro pro-

ject, already in operations.

This presentation was followed by a round-

table debate which lasted for one hour

and was chaired by Vicente Mohedano,

also with the participation of Jaime Freyre,

manager of the Saudi Arabia office and of

the FAST consortium which is building the

Riyadh metro; Yago Mijangos, manager of

the Qatar office; Jordi Ferrando, manager

of Europe; Antonio García-Zarandieta, ma-

nager of Iberia and Algeria; José Torroja,

manager of LATAM; and, Pablo Colio, ma-

nager of FCC Industrial.

The morning program continued with a

presentation by Dr. Mario Alonso Puig, a

specialist in General and digestive tract

surgery. He has practiced medicine as a

surgeon during the past 26 years and is

a Fellow in Surgery at Harvard University

Medical School, a member of the Academy

of Science of New York, and of the Ame-

rican Association for the Advancement of

Science. Dr. Puig has been investigating

and studying the method for applying cu-

rrent knowledge in fields such as medicine,

neurosciences, and positive psychology for

personal and professional leadership.

This special guest offered a conference on

“Leadership under uncertainties: a huma-

nistic and biological approach”’.

Juan Béjar, vice-chairman and CEO of FCC

gave a speech entitled: The new FCC that

we are building” and insisted on the need

at FCC of working towards profitability and

complying with the commitments acquired

by the FCC Group.

Leyre Navarro, director of FCC

Construcción’s legal counsel, opened the

afternoon session with a presentation on

“The International Legal Framework”; María

Sánchez, the manager of Human Resou-

rces then gave a speech on “Change in

people management”, and José Luis Álva-

rez Poyatos, director of Technical Services

closed this session with a presentation on

“The mission of technical services in the in

the international area”.

The last three presentations of the second

block (“Learning from experience”) desw-

cribed the uncertainties, needs and difficul-

ties experienced during the development of

a project.

Miguel Roset, manager of the deconta-

mination project at the Flix dam, Antonio

Piqueras, country manager in Brazil, and

Margarita Sánchez, a member of the con-

tract management team at the Riyadh me-

Miguel Jurado, chairman of FCC Construcción,

during his speech.

Vicente Mohedano, managing director of FCC Construcción, spoke on the company’s present,