Abu Dhabi representatives show an interest
FCC Aqualia’s know-how
The group was headed by Mohamed Ah-
med Al Mansoori, manager of the Opera-
tions and Maintenance Division of ADSSC
(Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company),
the company in charge of collecting and
treating waste water of all of the residential
and commercial clients in the Abu Dhabi
Emirate. The administration of the Emira-
tes was represented by Omar Al Hashimi,
manager of the services provided by the
Quality Control.
The day included a visit to the sewage ope-
rations and maintenance system of Barce-
lona. On Friday, they visited the Las Tablas
headquarters accompanied by the direc-
tors of the Middle East Department, Ignacio
Díez de la Cortina, and Enrique Bofill, head
of the Africa and Asia Department.
The group met at the headquarter offices
with Luis de Lope, international manager
of FCC Aqualia. The representatives from
the Emirates were particularly interested in
learning about the Company’s philosophy
in terms of Operations and Maintenance
series, in Spain and abroad, the monitoring
and billing systems, the call centre, R&D,
and the market positioning in public-private
projects for the design, construction, ope-
rations, and financing of new water struc-
The visit was organized
at the request of
the administration of the
Emirates to gain a
better understanding of
FCC Aqualia’s business
The Al-Ain contract contemplates mana-
gement of a sanitation and waste water
treatment in Al Ain and surrounding areas
in the Abu Dhabi Emirate over a 6-year pe-
riod and for the sum of 76.3 million euros.
New recycled water pumping stations were
recently installed to pump irrigation water in
the gardens of Al Ain, consuming more than
190,000 m
/day. The joint venture is res-
ponsible for the maintenance operations of
all installations, the water pipe system, de-
posits, supply management, and SCADA.
B u s i n e s s