Middle East
This city is located on the east coast of Qa-
tar, some 60 kilometres from Doha, the ca-
pital. The new treatment plant will handle an
average flow of 56,200 m
per day and pro-
vide service to a population of more than
200,000 residents.
The Ashghal organisation (Public Works
Authority), attached to the Government of
the State of Qatar, in charge of the sewe-
rage system and wastewater treatment,
commissioned the project.
The tender-winning consortium will deploy
the latest technology in sewerage and
wastewater treatment, using more than
35 kilometres of pipes, with peak flows
(with maximum wastewater treatment) of
168,000 cubic metres (equal to 66 Olympic
pools) and a wastewater tank with capacity
for 84,000 cubic metres.
The Spanish-Korean
consortium will be
providing services
to a population of more
than 200,000
operating in Saudi
Arabia and in the
United Arab Emirates,
FCC Aqualia provides
services in twenty
This new contract is the third for FCC
Aqualia in this region, after the sewera-
ge management contract in Abu Dhabi
for the city of Al-Ain and the contract in
Riyadh (the Saudi capital) for enhancing
the efficiency of the supply network.
With this contract, the Group’s water
subsidiary consolidates its presence in
the Middle East and becomes the most
wide-spread Spanish company in the
region specialised in management of
the integral water cycle.
B u s i n e s s