Agustín García Gila:
Building the future
The conclusions of this report underscore
some of the greatest challenges that we
face in managing urban waste, particularly
in terms of promoting more widespread
support for these services. According to the
World Bank, it is estimated that by 2025,
4.3 billion people living in cities will be ge-
nerating 2.2 billion tons of waste each year
and, therefore, it is essential that waste is
managed more efficiently than ever.
By demonstrating the value of this service,
promoting technological innovation, and
by improving transparency through the ex-
change of data and citizens’ participation,
we can contribute to the success of the cir-
cular waste economy. FCC Ambiente ope-
rates in 4,000 cities and towns in 20 coun-
tries throughout the world and we perform
this job with this approach in mind.
For a long time, Barcelona has been consi-
dered a pioneer in smart city initiatives, not
just in Spain, but around the world. It is a
clear demonstration of what can be achie-
ved through public-private associations and
FCC is proud to have been operating in this
city for more than 100 years. Our efficient
management of the sewerage systems and
the innovative approach in waste collec-
tion using hybrid-electric trucks designed
by FCC continue to play a key role in the
provision of smart services to the citizens
of Barcelona.
This collaboration approach based on
waste management technology also de-
fines our work in the United Kingdom.
FCC Environment is currently operating
in three energy-from-waste (EfW) power
plants in Nottingham, Kent, and Lincolns-
hire, with another two under construction
and another one in Edinburg in the project
phase. Altogether, these plants will enable
us to treat more than half a million tons of
waste each year and transform it into green
Lastly, the conclusions of the report on
education and on demonstrating the value
of “hidden” services, such as waste mana-
gement, are f great interest. An example
of one of the many similar activities under-
taken last year, we introduced an environ-
mental education program in Serbia aimed
at children and adolescents. If we want to
count on the support of citizens, it is essen-
tial that we carry out these initiatives aimed
at all age groups in each urban environment
where we operate.
Agustín García Gila
Chairman of FCC Medio Ambiente
Felix Parra:
Better data and smarter cities
Infrastructures, such as those for end-to-
end water management, which are consi-
dered a “hidden” service by many, play a
crucial role in cities and should not be un-
derestimated. The severe lack of informa-
tion must be addressed by citizens, muni-
cipal authorities, and infrastructure service
providers. To achieve this, we can intro-
duce opinion platforms so that citizens will
feel more involved, authorities will be aware
of the demands of the cities, and service
providers such as FCC Aqualia will be in a
better position to offer smart and efficient
With this in mind, our company’s R+D de-
partment launched an ambitious pilot pro-
ject known as SmartWater in collaboration
with the local government of Santander
(Spain). Thanks to the implementation of
an application, end users receive notices
related with the service and information
for reporting incidences. The research per-
formed by EU shows beyond any doubt
that citizens want to have the opportunity
of doing this in a simple way and that, by
working together, we can improve water
FCC Aqualia operates in 22 countries in
four continents, providing services to more
than 23.5 million people. This means that
we are in a privileged position for ensuring
a more efficient use of the most valuable re-
sources in the world. We can contribute to
achieving this goal by changing water ma-
nagement so that it is no longer a service
that is ignored and can become one where
all citizens can play an active role.
Félix Parra
Managing Director of FCC Aqualia