The outlook
in 2015 for urban
A report by the The Economist and FCC
FCC sponsored a study conducted by the
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) to exami-
ne the trends of urban infrastructures and
services in a report entitled “Outlook for
urban infrastructures 2014”. The study in-
cluded a survey of a group of more than
400 experts and managers from around the
globe involved in urban policies in order to
gain a better understanding of the challen-
ges and solutions in urban infrastructures.
Mayors and prominent businessmen in the
global infrastructures areas were also inter-
viewed. Analysing the status of current ur-
ban infrastructures, the report examines the
relationship among citizens, politicians, and
service providers (including infrastructures,
water, waste and energy).
As a citizen services group, FCC always
tries to gain a better understanding of the
interaction among these stakeholders in ur-
ban areas. This report underscores FCC’s
commitment to learning about this interac-
tion and the promotional campaign which
is part of the report allows us to show our
commitment to all FCC stakeholders. Keep
up to date by following the media and the
“ciudadano-activo.com” blog during the
month of February and don’t forget to send
a copy of the report to your clients and
other interested parties.
Citizen Services Model and Results
For the report, FCC created a Citizen Ser-
vices model to visualise how stakeholders
work together to achieve better results for
the cities. Demographic aspects, policies,
social trends, economic conditions, the en-
vironment and sustainability are the factors
that make a city a unique place. The needs
can be understood and solutions delivered
counting with the close se collaboration of
city authorities, citizens and service provi-
A critical aspect is obtaining funding, im-
proving the flow of information among the
stakeholder groups, and managing the pro-
jects efficiently.