A new
for FCC
Speech by Esther Alcocer Koplowitz,
chairman of FCC, before the Board
of Directors Meeting of the
Group held on 13 January 2015.
I am going to try, with a few words, to sum
up the principles and values that I unders-
tand should be those that define the philo-
sophy with which we will tackle the tasks
ahead of us in this new FCC.
To do this, I have carefully checked the
elements which, up to now, have been
essential in the evolution of our company
and which are part of our identity, and I
have also analysed in depth the principles
underscoring the good work of the Carso
Group, with which we coincide in their fun-
damental values:
Confidence in our capabilities to build
a better and different future.
The passion for the company. We
should not forget that together with the
firm and patient commitment, the pas-
sion that we put in what we do always
gives good results. This is what we
have learned from our mother.
In the same way that we learned to
put our feelings in what we do; based
on creativity, a generous spirit, and an
open mind as the key factors for adap-
ting and for constantly seeking what is
new and modern.
To be flexible and quick when making
decisions so as to improve our pro-
ductivity and competitiveness.
Cohesive teams, working as a group,
collective intelligence and the recog-
nition of equality, diversity, and talent
as the means for the advancement of
Austerity as a principle and in all cir-
The awareness that we are commit-
ted, through our projects, to improve
the well-being of all our fellow citizens.
Principles and values that determine our
day-to-day work and which, I am certain,
will continue to guide our steps in this new
t h e g r o u p