FCC Group’s Board of Directors has jointly
agreed the appointment of proprietary
director’s from Inmobiliaria AEG SA de CV
represented by Carlos Slim Helú and In-
muebles Inseo SA de CV, represented by
Juan Rodríguez Torres, Alejandro Abou-
mrad González y Gerardo Kuri Kaufmann.
These Directors occupy the vacancies
on the Board, following the resignation of
Fernando Falcó y Fernández de Córdova,
Marcelino Oreja Aguirre, Rafael Montes
Sánchez, César Gómez Ortega, Felipe Ber-
nabé García Pérez, and E.A.C Medio Am-
biente S.L.
Changes in the composition of the highest
governance body of the Citizen Services
Group occurred after the capital increase
last December, where Control Empresa-
rial de Capitales S.A. de CV acquired a
25.635% stake in FCC.
Directors appointed
from Inmobiliaria AEG SA
de CV represented
by Carlos Slim Helú,
and Inmuebles Inseo SA
de CV, represented by
Juan Rodríguez Torres,
Alejandro Aboumrad
González y Gerardo
Kuri Kaufmann
of Directors
Esther Alcocer Koplowitz remains as
Chairman of the Board, in which Esther
Koplowitz will remain as a Vice Chairman.
Alicia and Carmen Alcocer Koplowitz will
also continue as members of FCC’s Board
of Directors.
Juan Béjar remains as a Second Vice
Chairman and CEO.
Following the changes to the Board the
new structure has been agreed: