B u s i n e s s
and the manager of Human Resources be-
coming personally involved.
The culmination of this initiative was achie-
ved thanks to the extraordinary work ca-
rried out from the Environmental division’s
branch office in Castile and León, both by
its former representative, Antonio Rodrí-
guez Gómez, as well as by his successor,
the current representative Javier Rivas Ga-
People with disabilities who are part of the
FCC EQUAL workforce will acquire the
skills, capabilities, and competencies that
will make them very valuable company em-
The headquarters of FCC EQUAL CEE, S.L.
are situated on the fourth floor of the buil-
ding at Federica Salmón, 13 (Madrid). The
facilities are currently being refurbished to
adapt them to the regulations in force and
as soon as work is completed, this project
will be developed and promoted from these
The main commitment is to integrate people
with disabilities as a means of incorporating
them in the job market.
The Special Employment Centres (CEE)
were conceived in 1985 as a work formula
for people with disabilities and to provide
the services of a personal and social nature
that they might require.
These companies are particularly sponso-
red by associations of the disabled and/or
their families regardless of whether or not
they are created by an individual or a legal
entity. The key goal is the social or labour
integration of those with disabilities.