28 Canal de Isabel ll
wastewater treatment
plants in Madrid
German bank KFW will finance this 5.6 mi-
llion euro project.
In other news, the Regional Water Com-
pany Hidroregjioni Jugor (water mana-
gement company in this region), has pre-
awarded FCC Aqualia, also through Aqualia
Infraestructuras, the contract to construct
the treatment plant in Prizren.
The contract, which will be signed in Ja-
nuary 2015, is valued at nearly 10.5 million
euros and upon completion, the facility will
treat wastewater in the city, with a capacity
equivalent to 50,000 inhabitants in its first
Even though these two new contracts re-
present the expansion of FCC Aqualia into
two new countries, the company already
boasts of broad experience in this geogra-
phical area; it is currently leading the cons-
truction of treatment plants in Niksic and Pl-
jevica in Montenegro; and another in Konjic
in Bosnia, with an accumulated value of 30
million euros.
Within the Spanish market, FCC Aqualia
has been awarded a contract to operate
and maintain 28 plants with a treatment
capacity equivalent to 232,000 inhabi-
tants. The wastewater treatment plants
are located in 28 municipalities in Madrid
along the Alberche River basin. The con-
tract, which lasts two years and costs
nearly 5.5 million euros, is renewable for
another two years.
From left to right: Javier Amor, manager of the Legal Counsel office of Zone III; Ramón
Sáez, manager of the La Línea branch office; José Manuel Alcántara; Francisco Jimé-
nez; Diego González de la Torre; José Cabrera, vice-chairman of the Commonwealth;
and Enrique Reina.
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