FCC has won a new contract, in partner-
ship with CAF Signalling and Revenga
Ingenieros, for the installation of security
and telecommunications systems for the
section linking the High Speed Railway
Network (AVE) to Murcia. The total amou-
nt of the concession contract exceeds 155
million euros, of which 98.53 correspond
to the installation of the systems, and the
remaining 56.4 million will be destined to
the subsequent maintenance and conser-
vation, during a period of 20 years.
The AVE section awarded to FCC’s indus-
trial projects division is located between
Monforte del Cid and Murcia, and has a
length of 61.7 kilometres. This section will
shortly be used for freight and passenger
trains, thus completing the Madrid-Levante
Railway Corridor.
The consortium will be in charge of drafting
the construction projects, the execution
of the railway signalling installations, inter-
locks, train protection systems, telecom-
munications and traffic control systems,
power, as well as the technical buildings of
this new section of the high speed railway
At the vanguard
FCC will be installing
the security systems
In a section of the High Speed Railway (AVE) to Murcia
FCC Industrial places itself at the van-
guard in the construction of these types
of projects. This contract joins others al-
ready in progress, all of which require a
high level of specialisation and a strong
technological component.
The company is currently developing
the signalling systems, telecommuni-
cations, power and technical buildings
of the AVE section between Vandellós-
Tarragona. Also in progress are the
implementation of the civil protection
systems for the new tunnel Vigo-Do
Maceiras and the construction of the
overhead power cable of the Atlantic
Railway Axis, as well as the O&M of the
AVE South Tunnels.
With this concession contract FCC Indus-
trial reinforces its position as a provider of
integrated solutions to ADIF, while at the
same time reaffirming its leadership with
the most prominent clients in the field of rail
This section will shortly
be used for freight and
passenger trains, thus
completing the Madrid-Levante
Railway Corridor
B u s i n e s s