Active presence of FCC at the
Iberian-American Summit
FCC participated in the activities organised
on account of the 14th Iberia-American
Summit of Heads of State which was held
last December in Veracruz, México.
Miguel Jurado, chairman of FCC Construc-
ción, and José Manuel Velasco, managing
director of Communication and Corporate
Responsibility, took part in the Corporate
Summit where other participants included
Carlos Slim Domit, chairman of Telmex and
the representative of the family of the major
FCC shareholder.
José Manuel García Margallo, Spanish mi-
nister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,
inaugurated the Las Atarazanas de Vera-
cruz cultural centre with an exhibit com-
memorating the 75th anniversary of the
Spanish news agency, EFE, which is being
shown in the leading Latin American cities
in an exhibit sponsored by FCC.
Jointly with the Spanish chancellor, several
personalities were present at the inaugura-
tion ceremony, including the chairman of
Agencia EFE, José Antonio Vera, and José
Manuel Velasco, representing FCC. In addi-
tion to the Agencia EFE exhibit, which co-
vered the history and events of Spain and
of the world over the past 75 years, FCC
organised an exhibit of 25 landmark infras-
tructures in Latin America, many of them
with the seal of the Citizen Services Group.
In his speech, the minister of Foreign Affairs
mentioned the recent investment by the
Slim family in FCC as an example of eco-
nomic integration. FCC’s managing director
of Communications underscored the value
of infrastructures as leverage for growth,
competitive, and regional integration in La-
tin America.
Lastly, the chairman of EFE thanked FCC
for its commitment to information and for
accompanying the leading Spanish news
agency in the celebration of its 75th anni-
versary .
José Manuel Velasco, managing director of Communication and Corporate Responsibility.
The value
of infrastructures as
leverage for growth,
and integration
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