New service: Sorting on place
with special sorting tables
We develop our waste management
system continuously according to the EU
waste framework directive.
In harmony
with the waste hierarchy
(prevent, reuse, recycle,
energy recovery,
disposal) we want
to increase the recycling
and energy recovery
shareand decrease the
disposal’s share within
the system.
.A.S.A. Magyarország Ltd. with headquar-
ter in Gyál, works with a fully built infrastruc-
ture: landfill, RDF, sorting hall, composting
plant. For decades we have been suc-
cessfully providing waste management ser-
vices in and around Budapest for shopping
malls and hypermarkets. Having come into
force in 2013, the landfill tax (2014: rising
to 20€/ton) for disposal on landfills is beco-
ming significantly more expensive. Strong
competition on the market has forced us to
find even better solutions. Our colleagues
have analysed waste components, amou-
nts and contamination of SRM. The result
demonstrated that 70-80% of waste could
be recycled or energetic recovered by sor-
ting on place. We prepared a new, environ-
mentally friendly, cost effective and sus-
tainable system, which has already been
tested and introduced this year in the case
of a few important partners.
The essence of the method is to sort the
mixed collected waste into several frac-
tions on a special space right on place of
waste production (e.g. shopping centres,
hypermarkets). A special, small hydraulic
emptying installation is put in place, with
sorting table, additional baling machines
A new system,
friendly, profitable,
and sustainable