tro were in charge of these presentations
which the audience found very enriching
and enabled them to learn first-hand from
the speakers’ experience in these projects.
Miguel Jurado and Vicente Mohedano
closed the seminar and stressed that it is
necessary to learn how to face the new
corporate reality mainly through the current
transformation process at FCC, insisting
that it is necessary to work with effort, ri-
gour, transparency, decisiveness, and
enthusiasm, the key concepts transmitted
in this Technical Seminar 2014, in order to
be profitable in the new international sce-
Miquel Roset, manager of the decontamination project at the Flix dam.
Margarita Sánchez, member of the Contract Management team at the
Riyadh project.
Round table discussion during the Technical Seminar.
María Sánchez, manager of Human Resources at FCC Construcción.
ast, and future.
B u s i n e s s