The procedure
The mixed waste from collecting bins will
be delivered into the waste sorting hall
and is placed on the sorting table with
help of hydraulic emptying equipment.
Then the mixed waste is be sorted by our
colleagues into several fractions like car-
dboards, PE folia, PET, metal cans, RDF
raw materials, communal waste (rest).
The new system has been introdu-
ced at 14 partners in the region of
Budapest. The introduction needed,
in each case, an investment of bet-
ween 5-10,000 Euros. The operation,
depending on volume and number
of shifts, ensures work for 2-6 co-
lleagues of our subcontractors. Our
partners’ annual waste treatment cost
has not been increased in spite of the
drastic increasing landfill tax, but their
satisfaction increased significantly.
With help of this new service we could
potentially acquire the whole was-
te management of a large shopping
centre in Budapest, due to our promi-
se of 20% cost cutting in our partner’s
waste treatment costs. We are plan-
ning to introduce the new system in a
further 10-15 shopping centres.
and press containers. Sorting is provided
as .A.S.A. outsourcing service in 2 or 3 shi-
fts according to our partners’ needs. From
the formerly mixed communal waste we get
recyclable materials like cardboard, PE fo-
lia, PET, metal cans and additional RDF raw
materials. The rest is disposed on the land-
fill. The biggest advantage of the system is
that the official local public provider can and
has to treat the rest waste.
The sorted recyclable waste sorts are ba-
led and delivered by leverage trucks. The
recyclable raw materials can be sold on
the market.
The RDF raw materials and the rest waste
are stored in small containers separately
and pressed. At the end all fractions are
delivered and treated in the RDF plant or
on the landfill.
Results have
shown that 70-80%
of waste can be
B u s i n e s s