FCC participates
in the scholarship
program of
Fundación Prevent
Lst 18 December, Fundación Prevent cele-
brated the 8th scholarship award ceremony
to reward researchers, university students,
and sportsmen with some type of disability.
Antonio Llorens, the chairman of the foun-
dation and its director, Montese Moré Se-
rra, presided the ceremony.
More than 600 people gathered at the Con-
gress Palace in Barcelona, including pla-
yers from the Catalan Sports Federation for
People with Cerebral Palsy, the Blind, and
for those with Physical Disabilities; young
students with disabilities from several natio-
nal universities; researchers involved in the
prevention of occupational hazards, family
members, friends, representatives from
institutions and companies. The diverse
audience shared a common trait: personal
and social commitment and the desire to
be the best and to do as best as they could.
Research projects
Scholarships were awarded to research
projects on the Prevention of Occupational
Hazards, sports, training for continuing with
university education, and scholarships for
young entrepreneurs with disabilites and
a high development potential, immersed
in the first edition of the “Aprende y Em-
prende” Entrepreneurs Classrom, an initia-
tive which counted with the participation of
This training and mentoring program is ai-
med at entrepreneurs who want to launch a
business project. The projec t also counted
with the collaboration of ESADE and the
generaous participation of private compa-
nies, leaders in their sbusiness sector, such
as our Group.
The program counted with the collabora-
tion of Ana Villacañas, managing director of
Organization, who, as a specialised mentor,
has guided Enrique Parellada during the
training and the presentation of his initiati-
ve, known as Flypro, an company engaging
in auditing processes and quality for com-
panies who want to improve the handling
activities of airline companies.
FCC also provided staff for workshops and
conferences, actions supplementing the
basic academic program of ESADE, so as
to enable students to become acquinted
with the market, contributing their knowled-
ge and experiences in specific company
departments so that the participants could
apply them to their Business Plan. On this
ocassion, the presentations were under
the responsibility of Cristina Rodríguez, the
manager of People Development at FCC,
and Zulema Mateos, head of Talent Mana-
One of the objectives of FCC Corporate
Responsibility is to promote equal opportu-
nities and to ban any type of discrimination
in the job recruitment process.
With this initiative, ESADE and Fundación
Prevent aim to provide talented, enthusias-
tic people who are prepared to be change
drivers, the opportunity of taking a quali-
tative leap in their intiative, combined with
serious training with the contribution of the
experience and mentoring managers to ad-
dress any doubts that could arise during the
training process and the implementation or
the acceleration of the business plan.
Montse Moré Serra during the gala.