This convention is an act of transparen-
cy in communication driven by the need
to share information with everyone on the
company’s current situation, the process of
change which requires the involvement of
all of us and of the strategy of FCC Cons-
trucción in order to make it a reality.
The block on the transformation period
kicked off with the presentation by Vicen-
te Mohedano, managing director of FCC
Construcción, whose speech was based on
the company’s past, present and future and
the need for a change in attitude towards
productivity and profitability; Antonio de
Santiago, the manager of concessions,
presented the “International Concessions
Strategy; while CFO José Antonio Chamo-
rro closed the block with a speech on “The
financial function in the change process”
and the importance of the commitment to
comply with the budgets. The budget, he
stressed, was engraved in stone.
Afterwards, Miguel Ángel Mayor, country
manager for Poland, spoke on his expe-
rience in this country in his presentation
entitled: “Frustrated experience?” Luciano
Hidalgo, the manager of the Civil Works
department in the Andalusian branch office
José Luis Álvarez, manager of Technical Services.
Leyre Navarro, director of the legal counsel
at FCC Construcción.
Luciano Hidalgo, manager of Public Works in Andalucía.
Mario Alonso Puig, specialist in General and Digestive Tract Surgery.
Ana Villacañas, managing director of Organization at the FCC Group.
José Antonio Chamorro, Financial Director.
B u s i n e s s