department”, according to Francisco Javier
Martín Izquierdo, whose department is part
of the Corporate Expenses and General
Services Department of FCC.
The FCC Board of Directors in 2012 deci-
ded to have the Group’s central services as
well as the head companies of the Cons-
truction, Environment and Water divisions
in the same building, in this case, Building 3
in the Las Tablas complex in Madrid.
Hence, the reprography department had
to face the challenge of providing services
to these divisions and their corresponding
users, with different characteristics and re-
quirements in terms of graphics, printing,
handling, and finishes.
In the words of Javier Martín, “a CRD faces
a type of client – the in-house client – who
is in some aspects more complicated than
an external one. You cannot give priority to
anybody due business volume or profitabili-
ty. They are all important”.
The pillars of success
FCC’s reprography department is underpin-
ned by three pillars, without considering “a
job well done” and the professionalism of its
team thanks to which the department has
evolved over the years using all different ty-
pes of reprography equipment models.
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