Communication Network - Nº25 - page 54

.A.S.A. in Znojmo
helps the blind
.A.S.A. Poland
is socially responsible
Record results of the
Competition with Mr. Popela
And how do these columns work? Blind or
sight-impaired citizens have a transmitter
either in their pocket or built directly into their
white stick. On the transmitter are a number
of buttons, which respond with a sound
signal upon pressing. The device begins to
speak and guides the citizens to the stop
they need, where the column is located.
A record-breaking 98.520 pupils from 587 schools took part in the competition,
collecting an unbelievable 3.605.276 kilogrammes of waste paper over the course of
the school year. The aim of this environmental-educational project is to provide children
the opportunity to think about the current condition of the environment and provide
them with instructions on how they can contribute towards its improvement with their
own efforts. The objective of the “Competition with Mr Popela” is the introduction of a
permanent system of separate collection of paper in schools. The schools task was
to collect as much paper as possible, which was then purchased at an agreed price.
Running totals of amounts of paper collected were kept on the .A.S.A. website over the
course of the competition, which allowed individual schools to increase their mutual level
of competitiveness. When the competition ended – on 13th June – ten schools which
had collected the greatest amount of paper were chosen from each region. Assessment
took place separately for each region in two categories; according to the amount of
paper converted to the amount per pupil and according to the total amount of paper
handed in.
In order to achieve this goal we have donated funds for
equipping a playground located at the Primary School
and Nursery Unit No. 16 in Zabrze, ul. Cmentarna, in the
Zandka quarter, where a mechanical and biological waste
processing plant is also located. Now the school has
colourful and safe equipment that will surely give plenty
of joy to the young users. For this kind of charitable
activities, our Country Manager – Mr Jarosław Wywiał
was awarded a UNICEF Child Rights Sheriff Badge, of
which we are truly proud.
According to .A.S.A.
Group policy, we
try to support local
communities and
initiatives in places
where we operate.
ln the second half of June, .A.S.A. Czech Republic judged what is
now already the 13
year of the competition to collect secondary
raw materials known as “Competition with Mr Popela”.
The City of Znojmo, together with
the company .A.S.A. EKO Znojmo
is making accommodations for its
severely sight-impaired and blind
citizens, by making orientation
easier at the Znojmo bus terminal
thanks to the installation
of special navigation columns.
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