Communication Network - Nº25 - page 61

FCC participated
in the
PRECOIL R+D+i risk
prevention project
FCC is working on the completion of the
PRECOIL R+D project, new smart collective
prevention systems in dynamic linear infras-
tructure environments, co-financed by the
Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness
and the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF) via INNPACTO 2011.
The basic project goal was to develop an
environment in which devices and applica-
tions may be integrated that allow significant
improvement of railway and highway cons-
truction work personnel safety, establishing a
new framework for smart collective protection
system deployment.
The technical team of the State Department
for Social Services and Equality, attached to
the Ministry of Health, Social Services and
Equality, has welcomed the II Annual Report
on Measures and the effects of the DIE 2011
Equality Policies submitted by FCC com-
plying with the regulations on the “Equality in
the Company (DIE) seal and the obligation of
monitoring and assessing as contemplated
by the terms and conditions of this distinc-
tion (Royal Decree 1615/2009, of the 26th of
The technical team of the State Department
for Social Services and Equality, attached to
the Ministry of Health, Social Services and
Equality, has welcomed the II Annual Report
on Measures and the effects of the DIE 2011
Equality Policies submitted by FCC com-
plying with the regulations on the “Equality in
the Company (DIE) seal and the obligation of
monitoring and assessing as contemplated
Sensors, such as accelerometers, distance
and positioning meters are fitted to personnel
and other types of sensors are fitted to ma-
chinery, creating an environment that is ma-
naged from a monitoring platform that per-
mits work on the improvement of personnel
safety and thus prevent accidents.
the Madrid Polytechnic University are also
participating in the PRECOIL project.
This project is framed within the innovation
policy being backed by Grupo FCC. FCC
Construcción is participating in the technolo-
gical elements of the most significant works
by preparing its own R+D+i projects and
those for improving construction procedu-
res which, in combination with support from
available ancillary equipment, materials and
means, will enable companies to provide their
clients with a range of their own technical so-
lutions that represent a differentiating factor in
the overall sector.
In 2013, 9.11 million Euros were invested in
R+D+i projects.
Recognition for the work carried
out to
promote equality
w e l l - b e i n g
by the terms and conditions of this distinc-
tion (Royal Decree 1615/2009, of the 26th of
Section 12.1 of the above-mentioned Royal
Decree contemplates the obligations of com-
panies to actively encourage effective equality
of men and women particularly complying
with the obligation of improving the measures
that warranted the award of the seal. Accor-
dingly, every year companies submit a follow-
up report detailing and providing proof of the
actions that were carried out and the results
The Deputy Director for Equality in the Com-
pany and Group Bargaining of the Ministry of
Health, Social Services, and Equality, Merce-
des de la Serna, highlighted and recognised
in her report on the conclusions, the work that
FCC is carrying out to promote measures for
the equality of men and women.
FCC and the Environment Unit, which were
awarded the Equality in the Company seal in
2011, have presented several initiatives and
measures to encourage equal opportunities,
the career promotion of women in manage-
ment jobs, and actions against any discri-
mination and/or harassment based on sex.
One of the lines of action, moreover, focuses
on the fight against gender violence and in-
corporation in the workforce of women who
have been victims of such violence.
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