FCC renews all its
digital channels
with LifeRay technology
The FCC Group is fully immersed in a digital
transformation process. It is currently focu-
sing on renewing its entire digital channel in a
project that is in keeping with the Company’s
strategy focused on five criteria:
1. Cost savings
2. Time saving
3. Improving resources
4. Synergies
5. Improving the image and digital reputation
FCC’s digital transformation process is being
driven by Corporate Marketing and Brand
and by Information Technologies in collabo-
ration with the business areas (Environment,
Water and Construction), Investors’ Rela-
tions, Procurement, Human Resources, and
the Support and Corporate Departments.
The key objective is to join efforts to unify
the Company’s image, improve users’ na-
vigation experience, offer a wide range of
functionalities, and to optimise performance.
The result is already visible externally with the
publication of the websites of FCC Group,
FCC Ámbito, FCC Aqualia and City Councils,
FCC Construcción and Countries, Ciudad
FCC, FCC Industrial and subsidiaries and
Fundación Esther Koplowitz. The renewal of
the digital channels makes it possible to align
the digital ecosystem and create a unified
image of all the portals, that is, a platform that
improves synergies with solutions adapted to
the specifics of each business area.
All of the pages of each of the web-
sites published using LifeRay tech-
nology have been developed in
compliance with Level AA according
to the UNE 139803:2004 standard
which, in turn, is based open Acces-
sibility Guidelines for Web Content
1.0 of W3C.
Moreover, in order to ensure acces-
sibility to contents to facilitate users’
access regardless of their capabilities
or their environment, enable access
with different user agents, include
clear and well-structured contents
and improve navigation and the
user’s experience, FCC has imple-
mented the following measures:
• Separation of content and pre-
sentation: use of style sheets
(CSS) for the presentation of in-
formation and HTML code for its
correct structure.
• Alternative to non-textual ele-
ments: the necessary alternatives
have been included so that no
user finds content access barriers.
• Appropriate navigation mecha-
nisms: The links offer details on
the function or destination of the
hyperlink, thereby making it easier
for users to find information and
find their way around the website.
• The correct use of standards:
documents in the website were
built on specifications by W3C,
the organization that sets the in-
ternational standards to be used
on websites.
• Programmed objects are not
used: this makes it possible to
surf the site regardless of the
technologies available in the
user’s agent.
All the websites are available in several lan-
guages. The design focuses on the user,
with icons, graphics, and illustrations that
encourage usability and facilitate navigation,
offering information for all of the Company’s
stakeholders on who we are, what we do,
how we work together, information for sha-
reholders and investors, on our corporate
social responsibility and current news. The
new portals are, in short, more up-to-date,
visual, and multi-device: PC, table, mobiles.
FCC has placed its trust on LifeRay, the
leading Open Source platform for creating
digital experiences that make it possible to
update contents easily and enables users’
autonomous contribution.
From the performance perspective, access
time has been reduced by 10% and the
SEO of all the displayed pages has impro-
ved. This improvement in the digital ecosys-
tem has been possible thanks to FCC’s firm
commitment to improve the positioning in
search engines to strengthen the online
channel as the main communication chan-
nel and to increase its market opportunities.