FCC Aqualia will continue to provide services
to El Vendrell (Tarragona)
for another twenty-five years
of the Peque - artistas contest
After almost ten years managing the ser-
viAqualia once again was awarded the
contract by the El Vendrell (Tarragona) City
Council as the private partner in the public-
private venture for managing the city’s wa-
ter service for another twenty-five years.
The Company, which has been part of Ai-
gües de Tomoví since 2007, was awarded
a 25-year extension of the contract repre-
senting revenues of 140.4 million Euros.
The selection of Aqualia is by the local
There are already seven award-winners in
the Peque – artistas contest: Tomás Bi-
cho, from Campo Maior (Portugal), and
Sara Corral, from Madrid, were the winners
in the children’s ad youth category, respec-
tive, in the seventh edition of the drawing
contest for the youngest members of the
Aqualia family.
Last December, all winners were given a
Samsung Galaxy tablet in addition to ten
digital cameras to the five runner-ups in
each of the categories. The names of all the
award-winners are listed in the Intranet of
FCC One Aqualia and on the contest we-
Aqualia workers were also prize-winners
authorities is an endorsement of the good
services that the Company provides to the
city’s residents.
At El Vendrell, Aigües de Tomoví provi-
des services to a population of more than
36,480 people and over 100,000 in the
summer season, providing four million m3
of water through a 275 km supply network
and 197 km of sewage pipelines.
this year: as a novelty, the father, mother
grandfather, grandmother, aunt or uncle of
the winners received a 10” Samsung Ga-
laxy tablet.
Once again, an edition of the Peque–artis-
tas contest broke a record with a total of
178 girls and boys, aged 5 to 14 and chil-
dren, nieces and nephews, or grandchildren
of Aqualia workers in Spain, Portugal and
Uruguay participating. The growing suc-
cess of this initiative over the past few years
reflects the involvement of the Company’s
employees who educate and encourage
youngsters to consume natural resources
in a responsible and sustainable way. It also
makes them appreciate the work involved
in bringing water to homes and returning it
to the environment after its use in optimal
The aim of the contest is to encourage
youngster to learn about the end-to-end
water cycle in a fun way, recreating a great
adventure story in a digital environment.
This initiative has also become an essential
tool, creating a sense of in-house cohesion
and pride in being a member of the Com-
pany among all the workers who form part
of the Aqualia team. Congratulations to all
Aqualia family members!