FCC Environment’s consoli-
dation in Europe continues
with two
new contracts
worth €42 million
FCC Medio Ambiente granted energy-management
for its 17 offices in Spain
FCC Medio Ambiente has been granted by
the certification agency AENOR certification
for its Energy Management System under
UNE-EN ISO 50001:2011, as part of the
management system that develops its com-
mitments related to quality assurance, sus-
tainable development, efficient management
of resources, occupational health and safe-
ty, and innovation. As a support tool for this
implementation, the VISIÓN application has
been used, having been developed exclusi-
vely by FCC Medio Ambiente personnel.
Via the Energy Management System, effi-
ciency measures are being implemented
that affect a fleet of more than 7,000 vehicles
and over 300 workplaces, related to aspects
including: efficient driving; management and
optimisation of routes; raining and aware-
ness-building of staff in the efficient use of
energy; upgrading equipment and facilities
with more efficient alternatives or ones that
use renewable energy sources.
Energy-management certification involves
improving energy efficiency and as a result
AENOR certification helps
companies to manage
and reduce their energy
consumption, with the
associated positive effects
on cutting financial costs and
greenhouse-gas emissions.
Via the newly certified
Energy Management System,
efficiency measures are being
implemented that affect a fleet
of more than 7,000 vehicles
and over 300 workplaces,
covering practically all FCC
Medio Ambiente’s activities in
FCC Group’s environmental services busi-
ness has strengthened its growth in Europe
with the award of new contracts in the Uni-
ted Kingdom and the Czech Republic.
The contract awarded in the UK, where
FCC Group has been providing environ-
mental services since 1989, covers muni-
cipal waste collection, selective collection
and street cleansing for Barrow in Furness
District Council, in Cumbria. The contract
is worth £12 million (approximately €14.3
The 7-year contract kicks off on 1 April 2017
and could be extended for another 7 years.
The Company will also be making an inves-
tment of nearly 1.5 million pounds (1.8 mi-
llion Euros).
Barrow in Furness is one of six districts in
the county of Cumbria. It has a population of
more than 71,000 with 33,500 households.
This new contract boosts FCC’s market
share in the county where it has been provi-
ding municipal services more than 20 years.
not only reducing greenhouse-gas emis-
sions but also cutting energy costs. It also
enhances the organisation’s public image,
because of the environmental commitment
being made, as well as increasing competiti-
veness in tender processes.