The implementation of this project at the
Guadalete WWTP is a clear example of
Aqualia’s commitment to the communi-
ties where it provides its services. Hen-
ce, and beyond the technical services
provided by its workers, the Company
generates great added value in the com-
munities where it operates, undertaking
social, educational, environmental and
innovative commitments for the benefit
of the entire communities. In this res-
pect, the implementation of this project
in Jerez de la Frontera implies a “real
privilege” as stated by Mamén Sánchez,
the city’s mayor in her speech during the
presentation of the project on 29 Nov-
ember (watch the video).
Testing the biofuel
The Smart Green Gas project, which has a
duration of five years, represents a strong
boost to research and the creation of al-
ternative fuels for the Spanish automobi-
le industry thanks to the use of Aqualia’s
proprietary and patented technology that
enables the production of 100% auto-
chthonous biofuel.
Aqualia recently began the pilot test for this
project, working in conjunction with SEAT
(the leading auto company in Spain). The
aim is to test and confirm the entire produc-
tion chain until the fuel is obtained and used
as fuel in two SEAT León TGI vehicles.
The City Council’s Municipal Technical De-
partment will be using one of these cars
while Aqualia’s research team in charge of
the SMART Green Gas project will be using
the other vehicle. Each car has to be driven
30,000 kilometres in one year and its depo-
sit must always be filled at the wastewater
treatment plant’s biofuel station.
The Aqualia – SEAT collaboration is a firm
wager on the development of ecological
and real alternatives to petrol-derived fuels
with the aim of promoting a future environ-
mental improvement.
Supported by the Centre for Industrial Te-
chnological Development (CDTI), SMART
Green gas is being developed in collabo-
ration with public research entities such as
Instituto Catalán de Investigación del Agua
Another step forward in the field of R+D+i
Pilar Icaran
Pilar Icaran, a member of
Aqualia’s Innovation and Technology De-
partment is the head of the SMART Green
Gas project.
What is the objective of this research
The project studies the development of
new technologies and processes to produ-
ce more biogas from the sludge produced
in a WWTP and transform it into biometha-
ne to make it possible to use this biofuel in
the automotive sector or injected into the
natural gas distribution network. That is, re-
search focuses on generating energy from
waste and sludge by obtaining biomethane.
What are its advantages?
Besides being an inexhaustible and auto-
chthonous source, the biomethane obtai-
ned is economical, renewable and ecolo-
gical. On one hand, we are able to covert
wastewater into an efficient product such
as biogas and with this, we are wagering on
a circular economy while contributing to the
autonomy and self-consumption of cities
where we manage waste water treatment
plants and implement this system. In addi-
tion, what is most important: we prevent
emissions thereby drastically reducing
the harmful impact from vehicles in the en-
vironment. Through SMART Green Gas, we
transform the wastewater treatment pro-
cess and the services that we provide to
residents, making it more sustainable and
How is this achieved technically?
The aim of the research project is to maxi-
mise the production of biogas, improve its
quality and concentrate it by eliminating im-
purities until its quality is similar to that of
natural gas. We are currently immersed in
the validation phase. SEAT, which is moni-
toring the vehicles, will be confirming that
the gas that we are producing and cleaning
can function perfectly in their cars. After this
has been confirmed, we will be able to offer
our clients this new product.
Press briefing at the WWTP .
Unveiling of one of the two project cars.
FCC Aqualia and SEAT wager on biogas. The
Smart Green Gas Project.
(ICRA) and the universities of Girona, Valla-
dolid and Santiago de Compostela. SEAT
participates jointly with Aqualia.