FCC joined the “the first inter-company on-
line Olympics” program known as “eHealth
Challenge” which promotes healthy com-
petition among companies in all sectors
and aims to eliminate a sedentary lifestyle
in organizations and to increase energy,
productivity, enthusiasm and satisfaction
among all workers.
The program, which counts with the colla-
boration of Fundación Más Familia, Efr, and
the Red Cross, will be ongoing from 16 Ja-
nuary to 15 February 2017.
How does it work?
The program is aimed at all FCC employees
regardless of where they work.
Employees must sign up at this page:
They can participate on their own or in
a team (5 people maximum).
Three permanent inter-company ran-
kings will be (walking, running and
cycling), (based on the number of em-
Employees have to choose the option
where they want to compete (walking,
running and cycling).
There will be simple challenges: perso-
nal, team, corporate, and global.
Participants will only need a Smartpho-
ne to be able to participate in the cha-
llenge and share their progress with
our platform through several sports
apps (runtastic, endomondo, strava)
and wearables such as fitbit.
By leading to changes in habits, the main
objective of which is moving, something
that is also fun and motivating. To achieve
this end, eHealth promotes team participa-
tion to ensure success and to count on the
support and commitment of its members.
What does this imply for the employee?
Besides motivating people to move and
perform physical activity, the program also
promotes enjoying the company of collea-
gues in and outside the office through cha-
llenges in order to become better and better
day-by-day. It also increases self-confiden-
ce and commitment to the Company, helps
one to lead a healthy life and contributes the
social benefit of health and wellness.
What does it imply for FCC?
Besides encouraging healthy habits and
make employees more active, it will im-
prove the work environment, boost the
worker’s health and wellbeing and, conse-
quently, that of FCC and will also facilitate
FCC joins “eHealth Challenge”
the first
inter-company on-line Olympics
A global and solidarity objective
A corporate and common objective for
the project will be defined based on
the total number of participants (from
your company and globally).
The objective will be marked in kilo-
metres: How many times will we go
around the world? Will we reach the
If we are capable of “moving” the world
together: why not convert the energy
generated in being supportive?
The money raised will go to the Red Cross.
According to the World Economic
Forum, companies that implement
workplace wellness and health pro-
grams reap great benefits:
• Reducing a simple health increa-
ses productivity by 9%
• Reducing a simple health risk re-
duces absenteeism by up to 2%
Grandes beneficios
41.3% of the population
says it is sedentary,
slightly less than half for
women (46.6%) and more
than one third for men