Aqualia is developing the R+D+i SMART
Green Gas project at the Guadalete (Je-
rez de la Frontera) wastewater treatment
plant (WWTP). The aim of this research is
to obtain 100% Spanish origin, renewa-
ble biofuel from wastewater from the
households of residents in Jerez de la
Frontera to be used in compressed na-
tural gas (CNG) powered vehicles.
A consortium formed by Gas Natural Fe-
nosa, EDP-Naturgas Energía, and Bio-
gas fuel cell, Diagnostiqa, Dimasa Gru-
po and Ecobioga is collaborating in the
development of the SMART Green Gas
project with the support of the CIEN pro-
gram of the Centre for Industrial Tech-
nological Development (CDTI), and the
Ministry of the Economy, Industry and
Competitiveness. Developed and paten-
ted by Aqualia, the technology makes it
possible to develop a circular economy
and the construction of resilient cities by
transforming traditional WWTPs into an
energy producing factories.
Aqualia and SEAT
join forces to find a more sustainable biofuel
It is estimated that a medium-size WWTP
such as the one in Jerez de a Frontera,
could produce a million litres of biogas
per day, sufficient to feed a fleet of more
than 300 vehicles. This would enable
cities to supply a fleet of urban buses,
waste collection rucks, police cars and
ambiances as well as other public servi-
ces managed by the City Council.
One of the advantages of this project
is environmental since a biomethane-
powered car avoids the entire biofuel
production cycle and enables an 80%
reduction of CO
emissions compared
with petrol-drive vehicles.
Furthermore, profitability is evident since
the development of the project will result
in energy optimisation and significant
cost savings in the wastewater treatment
process. This implies that cities that im-
plement this technology will increase
their autonomy and sustainability.
Speech by Mamen Sánchez, mayor of
Jerez, at the presentation of the project on
29 November.
The mayor, councillor and FCC Aqualia managers with the Smart Green Gas cars.