Road safety at FCC:
a constant concern
How to drive in
harsh weather
Road safety has been an ongoing concert
at FCC over the past few years, taking into
account the close relationship of many of
our activities to driving on the road. Several
million hours of work at FCC involve driving,
excluding all our personal time affected by
traffic as drivers, passengers, or as pedes-
Most traffic accidents are caused by dis-
traction, by being absent-minded, or due to
bad practices because of factors such as
tiredness, stress, alcohol or drug consump-
tion, among other reasons. Because of
these factors, our performance behind the
wheel may not be precise or adequate in
terms of traffic, road, or weather conditions.
We highlight some of tips that could con-
tribute to our road safety when driving in
harsh weather conditions.
Special precautions should be taken
when the first drops of rain fall. Mixed
with dust and grease, the road may
become slippery.
Increase the safety distance under
normal circumstances twofold.
Reduce speed and use the windshield
Always turn on the dipped headlights.
In the event of strong rain, also use the
fog lamps.
Avoid driving through flooded areas or
deep puddles of water.
Turn on the heat, combined with air
conditioner, towards the front winds-
creen to prevent the glass from getting
Check frequently, especially after dri-
ving through puddles, that the brakes
are functioning properly.
By reducing your speed and keeping
the tyres in good conditions, you can
avoid the risk of aquaplaning. In the
event of aquaplaning, steer firmly,
correct any possible variations from
the planned route, and avoid putting
on the brakes or accelerating while
maintaining the same speed.