little big city in the middle of Europe
Bratislava is located in the western part of
Slovakia, near to other capital cities - Buda-
pest (Hungary) and Vienna (Austria). Many
tourists like to come back to Bratislava, it is a
smaller city, less busy than the other metro-
politan capitals around, however, it offers un-
mistakeable atmosphere - a beautiful histo-
rical centre, castle, many small cafés, parks,
forests to rest as well as particularly tasty
food. Bratislava is home several universities,
colleges, theatres, museums and other cul-
tural institutions such as the world famous
Slovak Philharmonic orchestra, Slovak Na-
tional Gallery, Slovak National Museum and
Slovak National Theatre. Bratislava has half
a million inhabitants and is located on the
banks of Danube, the second largest river
in Europe.
Slovakia, a country of many faces, long fer-
tile plains, moderate hills and high mounta-
ins. High Tatras in northern Slovakia are the
pride of every citizen, a great skiing oppor-
tunity and hiking destination. And beautiful
Slovakia has its own beautiful capital city -
Slovakia, a country of
many faces, long ferti-
le plains, moderate hills
and high mountains.
High Tatras in northern
Slovakia are the pride
of every citizen, a great
skiing opportunity and
hiking destination. And
beautiful Slovakia has its
own beautiful capital city,
Bratislava is located in the western part of Slo-
vakia, near to other capital cities - Budapest
(Hungary) and Vienna (Austria). Many tourists
like to come back to Bratislava, it is a smaller
city, less busy than the other metropolitan ca-
pitals around, however, it offers unmistakea-
ble atmosphere - a beautiful historical centre,
castle, many small cafés, parks, forests to rest
as well as particularly tasty food. Bratislava is
home several universities, colleges, theatres,
museums and other cultural institutions such
as the world famous Slovak Philharmonic or-
chestra, Slovak National Gallery, Slovak Na-
tional Museum and Slovak National Theatre.
Bratislava has half a million inhabitants and is
located on the banks of Danube, the second
largest river in Europe.
The dense transportation network, main
transport hub and changeable weather with
snow in winter and high temperatures in
summer require a quality partner to provide
for cleanliness in the city and passable roads
and streets. FCC is such a partner. FCC is
the main partner of the capital city of Bratis-
lava in providing the summer and winter city