Semmering SKI World Cup 2016:
We’re on again!
For 2 days, 60 of the world’s very best
lady skiing competitors and around 25,000
spectators are set to converge on Semme-
ring, Zauberberg in Austria. Local accom-
modation is already booked out, and you
can hope to avoid a traffic jam or two on
your way to the beautiful Alpine resort. This
prestigious World Cup skiing event is held
every second year at the end of December.
The main fan area is like a winter fair and has
a festival feel with a number of small music
stages where spectators can enliven their
mood with some typical ‘Apre ski’ music.
Pennants, gloves, scarves and many other
souvenirs are sold, as well as drinks and
food in large quantities. And in the midst of
all this; our company - .A.S.A. - and at this
year’s event we will be presenting the new
FCC Environment brand for the first time.
We have been on board partners of the
event since 2002, as main waste disposer
for the Semmering lift operating company
(Bergbahnen Semmering Hirschenkogel
GmbH), as well as for the hotels (Panhans
Hotelmanagement GmbH).
Without our 20 pcs 1,100 litre waste con-
tainers, our 20 pcs 240 litre plastic bins, our
20 mobile toilets and 2 sanitary containers
the event would be messy and unhygienic
– a complete disaster! Our 4 specialist on-
site colleagues are supported by a press-
waste truck and a suction-tank truck and
will be taking care of the smooth running
of the event’s waste disposal requirements.
We provide a broad range of services, in-
cluding: The provision of containers and
bins for waste disposal, the continuous
exchange and transportation of collected
waste and it’s subsequent management,
the cleaning of the carpets in the VIP tents,
support during the assembly and the dis-
mantling of the stands and grandstand of
the World Cup arena and the cleaning of
and maintenance of roads and walkways
throughout the area.
“We always need around 2 days of pre-
paration work beforehand and we then
provide a 24 hour a day service during the
event, whatever the weather conditions”,
says Florian Pratscher, the representative of
- .A.S.A. Abfall Service Neunkirchen GmbH
- who is responsible for the team of onsite
staff. “During the event we usually collect
about 15-20 tons of mixed waste and have
to use our trucks many times a day to emp-
ty the bins, as well as regularly sucking out
the mobile toilets and keeping the whole
area clean, orderly and hygienic. “