The European Cleanwater project
at the Racons desalination plant in Dénia takes off
FCC Aqualia
gives and receives awards
Aqualia, in collaboration with the French
company Ceram Hyd is developing the
Cleanwater project at the Racons Brackish
Water Desalination plant to validate and mar-
ket a new disinfection technology based
on the on-site generation of disinfectant
agents by means of an elecro-chemical
This new system has two key objectives:
to confirm the technical and economic
feasibility of the process that will make it
possible to replace traditional disinfectant
systems and prevent the transport, sto-
rage and handling of hazardous chemical
compounds; and, assess the reduction of
The work “El canon de saneamiento subirá
un 50% y encarecerá el recibo”, published
by the journalist Tomás Díaz in the Water
and Environment supplement of the news-
paper El Economista, was the winner in the
1st Edition of the Aqualia Journalism Award
“End-to-End Water Management in muni-
cipalities” organised in collaboration with
Asociación de Periodistas de Información
Ambiental (APIA). An article by Luis Guijarro
another work by Patricia Álvarez and Mar-
cos Luna, from the Asturian Public Televi-
sion was the second runner-up.
Aqualia’s awards
iAgua!, the reference publication of the
water sector in Spain and Latin America
held its annual award gala event to recog-
nise Aqualia’s good practices in the com-
munications area. The Company won two
awards: one for the Best Contract referring
to the contract awarded for the El Salitre
wastewater treatment plant in Bogotá, Co-
lombia; and the other for the Best Com-
pany thanks to its awareness-building ini-
tiative #nolotires (Don’t throw it away on the
good use of the toilet).
In addition, Aqualia’s work in Mérida (Extre-
madura, Spain) won the “Golden Drop” dis-
In the photograph, from left to right: Juan Arévalo
(researcher at Aqualia); Christian Westarp (from
Ceram Hyd); Cosme Barrocal (operator at the Ra-
cons facility); Ricardo Sandín (project manager from
Aqualia); and, Mélanie Tran (from Ceram Hyd).
chlorination by-products thereby obtaining
high-quality potable water with less envi-
ronmental impact.
With a budget of 1.66 million Euros, the
Cleanwater Project is part of the European
ECO-INNOVATION (2014-2017) aid pro-
gram and represents an ambitious effort
to improve water disinfection using acces-
sible, safe, and compounds that are less
harmful for the environment, fulfilling the
Company’s commitment to quality service
and environmental awareness.
tinction given by the Spanish Association of
Portable Ecological Toilet Rental Compa-
nies (AESPE, Spanish acronym). The award
recognises the Company’s commitment to
the environment and for undertaking initia-
tives, in keeping with FCC’s Environmental
Policy, aimed at achieving more efficient
management of natural resources, more
rational energy consumption and the iden-
tification of the risks associated with its bu-
siness activities.