FCC wins award for its commitment to the
integration of vulnerable groups in the workforce
The award ceremony took place during the
annual celebration of Fundación Integra.
Luis Suárez, the director of Human Resour-
ces from the Environmental Services Division
represented FCC and collected the award.
FCC currently has a collaboration agree-
ment with the Fundación Integra to train
and integrate people who are at risk of so-
cial exclusion into the workforce. It also has
agreements with other organisations, such
as Fundación Down Madrid, with which it
has signed a framework agreement to pro-
mote measures to improve the life of people
with Down Syndrome or other mental disa-
bilities, as well as with Fundación Adecco
and ONCE (Spanish association for visually
impaired people).
FCC Medio Ambiente won
an award from Fundación
Integra for its commitment
to the integration of people
at risk of social exclusion
in the workforce, receiving
a Special Mention for the
work carried out by the
Human Resources Team.
FCC’s Equality and Diversity Management
team constantly works towards the integra-
tion of this group into the workforce and is
involved in causes that are of concern to
the communities where the Citizen Servi-
ces Group operates. Some of the groups
that have benefited from these initiatives are
women who are victims of gender violence,
the disabled, and women at risk of social
exclusion and/or trafficking.
Furthermore, in line with its Equality and Di-
versity policy, FCC fosters and implements
initiates aimed at favouring equality and im-
plements working practices to ensure that
no member of staff is treated unfavourably for
having different abilities or for any other unjus-
tified reason that is not based on professional
skills, knowledge and performance.