We are an integral part of everyday life of
people and businesses, doing our best to
improve living conditions and create comfor-
table cities for citizens - cities for a good
quality of life. We see the process of incre-
asing people’s ecological awareness, espe-
cially the younger generations, as a vital part
of our mission. For that purpose we have
created a system of ecological education
which we implement in communities where
we provide our services, showing the chil-
dren how to use resources efficiently and
behave in a sustainable way. This program
does not only teach the value of recycling,
but helps to generate over 3 million kg’s of
recycling material annually, through organi-
sed events and competitions.
Using modern methods and technologies allows us to offer the best
possible solutions to our clients and partners, also to optimize our
own internal processes and maximize the contribution to resource
efficiency. By the systematic capturing of landfill gas and proper
thermal treatment of non-recyclable waste in the waste-to-energy
plant, we make use of waste’s calorific value; over 400 Gigawatts
are generated annually.
Responsible management of materials and waste is an important
challenge for all of us. During the treatment of the residues of
everyday business and human activities, we use specific methods
that allow the maximum utilization of these residues and give
them a chance for a “second life”. We treat 4 million tons of waste
annually and produce about 500 thousand tons of reusable raw
materials, therefore reducing virgin material consumption.
Resource efficiency
Community involvement
for the future
By: FCC Environment CEE