Social Responsibility
FCC has signed, with Federación de
Servicios Públicos de la Unión General
de Trabajadores (FSP-UGT), Federación
Estatal de Servicios de la Unión General de
Trabajadores (FeS-UGT) and Comisiones
Obreras the 1st Equality Plan of FCC Medio
Ambiente, S.A.
The plan contemplates a set of measures
that will make it possible to achieve, with the
company for which it has been designed,
the equal treatment and opportunity
objectives among men and women and
to eliminate any trace of gender-based
FCC Medio Ambiente
with CCOO and
UGT its 1st Equality Plan
The signatories on behalf of the company,
federations, and trade unions were: Jordi
Payet Pérez, managing director of FCC’s
National Environment Division; Julio
Lacuerda Castelló secretary General of
UGT’s Federación de Servicios Públicos;
Rosa Guerra Curado, the manager of
the Women and Equality area of the
previously mentioned federation; José
Miguel Villa Antoñana, secretary general
of Federación de Servicios, and Rosa
Sampedro Rodríguez, head of the cleaning
and services section of this federation; on
behalf of Comisiones Obreras, Vicente
Sánchez Jiménez, secretary general of
Federación de Construcción y Servicios;
and María Pilar Expósito Cortés, secretary
of Employment and Job Training of the
same federation.
With this Plan, FCC Medio Ambiente, S.A.
wants to contribute to creating awareness
on the individual rights of all who work
for the company, protecting hem and
supporting their career development. The
dignity of people within the company is
particularly protecting, establishing healthy
conduct habits and eradicating behaviours
that could be considered illegitimate
interference in people’s private lives or that
violate their dignity.