The Ministry of Social Affairs has selected
several social responsibility projects that are
currently being carried out in Latin America
and included them in the catalogue “Spa-
nish Companies that Create Value. Corpo-
rate Social Responsibility in Latin America”.
The document, which aims to bolster the
Spain brand in the Latin American conti-
nent, was unveiled last 21 September at
the Casa de América by Minister of Social
Affairs José Manuel García Margallo, who
was accompanies by the Minister of La-
bour, Fátima Báñez. FCC Contributed to
the publication of the catalogue with seve-
ral of the corporate social responsibility ac-
tions that it is currently carrying out in Latin
La Valdeza (Panama)
Our group has implemented several pro-
jects in Panama, such as the one at the
La Valdeza quarry where FCC has imple-
mented a CSR reforestation plan, a plan
to control the passage of trucks, and for
controlling noise during rest hours.
Ciudad Hospitalaria
Another project worth mentioning is the
“Restoration and protection of Camino de
Cruces”. This goal of this project is to reco-
ver the historic route used in the 16th and
17th-centuries t transport gold and silver,
due to its geopolitical and cultural impor-
tance in order to protect Panama’s cultural
heritage. Since the Ciudad Hospitalaria used
to occupy part of this route, a modification of
the route was proposed at the commence-
ment of the project to protect and safeguard
the cobblestone sections without making
any changes, using for this purpose all the
necessary resources.
FCC, included in the best CSR practices
in Latin America
Mi escuela primero (Panama)
The Ministry also took note of another re-
levant CSR project being carried out in this
country, “Mi escuela primero” (My school
comes first) by refurbishing and improving
Instituto Rubiano where FCC invested more
than 3 million euros to promote high school
degrees in science, information technolo-
gies and humanities.
Puerto de Açu (Brazil)
Another project selected by the Ministry
was biodiversity protection initiative being
developed by FCC at the Puerto de Açu
project which involves protecting the Ca-
bezuda sea turtle since the project is si-
tuated in an area that is essential for this
endangered species.
Sembrando agua recogemos vida (Co-
Lastly, the CSR best practices in Latin Ame-
rica catalogue mentions the project being
developed by FCC in Colombia entitled
“Sembrando agua recogemos vida.” Crea-
ting awareness among the population on the
importance of safeguarding water basins is
essential not only to ensure a source of wa-
ter but also to be responsibly aware of the
environment and to prevent its destruction.
S o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y